The Commissioner's Address

The Commissioner's Address!

By Nathan Couch!

*NOTE: If you just stumbled onto this site, and you don't know anything about the play-by-mail game IWF, please contact the IWF at

Hello, and welcome to STW's Official Website! I'm the Commissioner and Event Promoter, Nathan Couch. Some of you may know me as my alter-egos Thomas Younger and/or Steven Justice! I hope this site helps add to you're enjoyment of STW. I have been in charge of STW since it opened, and watched it go from the worst in the IWF to the best. If your new to STW, or if your thinking of joining the league, what has made STW great is it's angles. If you love the storyline aspect of wrestling, you'll love STW. We are the most reallistic league around with a regular cast of report characters, prestegious report titles, and a dedicated batch of wrestlers and managers. The STW bulletin has NOT been without a Commish or Event Promoters report since I took the job in bull #3, and since STW has been ''Booked'' by the same guy for over 2 years, their's not a better example of continuity in the IWF, or anywhere in the world of PBM wrestling! So, if you're a STW Vet, you know this. If you're wanting to give STW a try, please do! And if you know anyone who might enjoy STW, point 'em here! Before I go I'd like to thank Dave Howard for this great site, without him, this wouldn't be here for you to enjoy!

P.S. Soon to be up is a classic STW Event Report! Every month we'll post a new Inferno or PPV event!

YOUR COMMISH.............

You can e-mail the Commish


I guess your probably saying "DUH! I already know how STW's reports works you damn jacker!" Well, if that's what you said, HOW DARE YOU!? But if you didn't, ignore my initial "HOW DARE YOU!?" Seriously though, this is for all the newbies to the league, and for all us forgetful old timers.

Q:What are Report titles?

A:Well, they are really just pretend belts, but technically they are just as real as the front page titles in any league. They are created by the Commissoner/Event Promoter, [in STW's case, that would be me] and are controlled, or booked by the commish/promoter as well. But all that means is I book [announce] what champ defends against what wrestler, I decide how vacant titles are claimed and so on, but the title always change hands based on witch wrestler had the better strat (unless all parties involved want to alter the outcome, which rarely ever happens, this is called "jobbing").

Q:How are report titles won and lost?

A:They are won like this. In the commissioner's report in the STW bulletin, mailed out roughly once a month by the IWF, I list all (if any) title matches that will take place in next month's event report write up. The outcomes will be based on the strats you had in the bulletin [or bull, for short] the matches were announced in. EXAMPLE: The title matches are announced in bull #56. The strats printed in that bulletin are what the matches will be based on. For instance, If the champion had a lower strat then the challenger, he lost his title, and the challenger begins his title reign in bull #57 when my write-up [match play-by-play] is printed. If there's a draw between champ and challeneger, the champ retains. But if there's a draw in a match like 3-way or 4-dances, ect., and the champ had a lower strat then the drawees, then steps wil be taken to crown an undisputed champ between the drawees. Also note that all tag matches, title match or otherwise, are based on COMBINED SINGLES STRATS and NOT your tag strats.

Q:What are the Report titles for?

A:To add realisim and help advance and add to the angles and role-play. The front pages titles in IWF leagues are there to more-or-less crown winners of the IWF major titles [prize championships] and the commish as no controll over them, so they are pretty much usless when it comes to role-play. But remember, the report titles are there for role-play, so if you don't really role-play, you won't be one of the first in line for the title shots to say the least.

Q:How do I get a shot at a report title?

A:It's not too difficult. All you have to do is stay active be a solid angle writer or role-player. The only belt that is hard to get a shot at is the "World" title.

Q:What about non-title matches?

A:Those are done in a different manner. They aren't announced ahead of time, because the reports are usually there to help advance the angles and feuds managers start with each other, and generally are "booked" [signed and writen-up] to help move along the stroylines, just like on TV. The outcomes are usually based on who had the better strat the month before the write-up appeared. EXAMPLE:If you lost a match that appeared in bull #57, it were based on bull #56's strats. Only PPV [Pay-Per-View] non-title matches are usually announced ahead of time, but all non-title matches are subject to change after annoucement.

It might look complicated, but it's not! Everything's done in a laid-back manner, I just wanted to print this stuff because every now again, a trouble maker pops up, so it's nice to have this stuff up here. It's all a game, and we all do it to have fun and enjoy ourselves. I hope all of you have one hell of a time in Sheer Technical Wrestling! SEND FOR A BULLETIN!

Note* The feature "The Card" as been dropped from the site.

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