were ya? From the Commissioner's Desk

E-mail the commish!: ncouch@alltel.net

Dave White's PBM site!: www.geocities.com/pbmwrestling

UAE website!: www.geocities.com/uaofe/


*NOTE a "<2>" means the wrestler as held the title in two different reigns, ect.

World Heavyweight Champion: Lucien Champion (won bull #44) <2>

World Tag Team Champions: The Rasslin' Rebels (won bull #45)

Unified Double Crown Champion: Kaos Knight (won bull #45) <3>

Sheer Hardcore Champion: Ajax (won bull #41)

World Light-Heavyweight Champion: Tommy Rush (won bull #45)

Intercontinental Women's Champion: Sex Goddess Sunny Beach (won bull #45)


*Based on angles and storylines, ect.*

|||Top 15 Singles:

1-Lucien Champion

2-Lightning Mountain

3-Christian Cross

4-Blaze Colton

5-The Mighty Hitman

6-Big Dredd Vedder

7-Kaos Knight


9-Kane Nevermor


11-Avatarr the Collector

12-Jeremy Nace

13-Tommy Rush

14-Dave Howard

15-Rocky Austin.

|||Top 10 Tag Teams:

1-The Rasslin' Rebels

2-The Rush Bros.

3-The Blade Runners

4-Sex & Violence

5-Muscle Inc.

6-A&A Express

7-David & Gator Mann

8-Mercury & Vedder

9-Kane & Avatarr

10-Ajax & Blaze

|||Most Popular:

1-Big Dredd Vedder

2-Lightning Mountain

3-Christian Cross


5-Kane Nevermor

|||Most Hated:

1-Lucien Champion

2-Orlando Rock

3-Blaze Colton

4-Mighty Hitman

5-Muscle Inc.


The points earned in bull #48 will be the last counted this year. The winning wrestler's manager gets THREE FREE wrestling videos of their choice! How to earn points: Heavyweight=25, Jr.=20, Regions=10, Tag/Six=10, Battle Royal=15, Retaining title=2, winning a report contest (ie W.C.W. Tourney, ect)=12, Report titles 10 for winning, 10 for defending Women title worth 12 pts.

1-WTF:Ajax = 105

2-LOR:Kaos Knight = 85

3-(tie)The Mighty Hitman & WTF:Mercury = 55

4-Tommy Rush = 50

5-WTF:Rocky Austin = 40

6-(tie)Angel Of Death (Flash), Christian Cross, Big Dredd Vedder = 35

7-DLS:Sunny Beach = 32

8-(tie)DLS:Justin Stone, LOR:Dave Howard, LOR:Lightning Mountain, DLS:Amy Sensation, Jake Rush, pWo:Clint Douglas, pWo:Mike Daniels = 30


****All your wrestler needs to be is "225 lbs." or under. Great chance for title shots, and your wrestler will still be open to shots for all other report titles! If you want in this exciting division, mention in the bulletin your wrestler qualifies****

Tommy Rush; Jake Rush; Adam Colton; Amy Sensation; Sunny Beach; Rocky Austin; Motoharu Kiajitsu; Mercury; Twisted Youth; Starseed; Vitamin X; Wandering Soul; JJ Rider; Whiteberg; Vlad The Impaler; Super Dave.


Wrestler with "\$$" signs it on his match sheet, or forfeits. The winner gets free wrestling video tapes!

\$$DLS: Sex Goddess Sunny Beach Vs. pWo:Super Dave.

\$$LOR Kaos Knight Vs. WTF:Christian "Goddamn" Cross.

\$$'Smash Mouth' Michael Midas Vs. WTF:Ajax.

David Mann receives a BYE to round 3.


STW's chat room can now be found on both the STW site, and Dave White's site (www.geocities.com/pbmwrestling ). A link to the messageboard is also on Dave's page. Now, something more important. STW is simpley PACKED wih the greatest roster of characters and managers in the IWF's history. This is currently the golden age of STW. However, this does cause a problem. With so many people, with so many angles, it's getting incressingly harder to fit everything into a report, that needs to be there. Now, I am trying my best to get everything on the show. I have to give proper time to all the champions, the top angles, and the characters, but of course, I always try and fit wrestlers that are up and coming as well. After all, STW is known for developing characters into the main events. So you must bare with us, has STW is stacked at the moment. Also remember, wrestlers involved in angles and feuds, and managers who write comments, will be attended to first, in the STW. That's what the report is for, so natch', that's my top priority. However, just like always, I will do my best to try and represent everyone, as best I can.